My Engage - Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Data Protection Act 1998

Hindwoods will take all reasonable care to ensure personal details are kept secure. You can be assured that any personal information we gather about you through this website will not be passed to any third party or organisation outside Hindwoods Ltd.

If at any time you wish your personal data to be amended or removed from our records please email or write to us at 9 Dreadnought Walk, Greenwich, London SE10 9FP.

To ensure your privacy is protected, we adhere to the following policy.

General statement

In order to respond to your requirements, when you register with this website, we will need to know your name, email address and contact telephone number. From time to time, your information may be passed to our approved agencies for customer research and analysis. The results of such research and analysis are used purely to improve the levels of service we provide.

In addition, you may be contacted by email, telephone or post by our approved agencies to request feedback from you about our services and/or provide you with information about other products and services available through Hindwoods Ltd. If you do not wish to receive any such communication, please email or write to us at 9 Dreadnought Walk, Greenwich, London SE10 9FP.

By submitting your information to us, you consent to its use, as set out in this policy. If at any time we change our privacy policy, such changes will be made on this page and dated.


A cookie is a piece of information, automatically generated when you register with or visit this website for the first time. The cookie is held on your PC and enables us to recognise you when you log on again.

Because the cookie is held on your PC, we are unable to recognise you if you visit our website from any PC apart from the one you used to register or log on for the first time. This use of cookies does not result in the collection of any personal information about you, the use of your PC or your use of the internet generally.


As previously stated, details of your email address will be stored as securely as possible, together with any other information we hold about you. You will not be sent any ‘junk’ emails and your details will not be passed to any individual or organisation outside Hindwoods Ltd (apart from those mentioned in the general statement above), without your consent.

Contacting us

Your views about this website, its terms and conditions and our overall levels of service are important to us. If you would like to contact us with any comments or feedback please email us.